Saturday, September 30, 2017

Promises to Keep by R. E. McDermott

McDermott's Books Make You Think!

Author McDermott has outdone himself, AGAIN!  This book wrapped up  a series that was frighteningly realistic. For new readers, the world has suffered a vast EMP and the trilogy is based on the impact on civilization. I STRONGLY recommend reading the entire series.  McDermott writes well researched books that imbue both action and pathos.   The characters are real, they bleed and some of them die, just like the real world.  I think that is what makes R. E. McDermott so good, the ability to make the reader feel for his characters. 

The government is not painted as benign in this book.  The current state of self serving politics is extrapolated into the near future with disastrous results.  Look at the current crisis in Puerto Rico preceded by Florida and Texas.   There are people going hungry, without food or water or medical care weeks after the storms.   Project that forward for a world wide disaster and the consequences are too dire to conceive.

Good people with inadequate preparation die in this book and in reality, they would also die.  Don't get me wrong, the book is not just doom and gloom.  It is peppered with acts of generosity and courage that inspire you as you despair over the circumstances that require such sacrifice.

McDermott sees human nature with clarity and charity, he recognizes that there are unsavory elements while hoping that the positive nature of ordinary Americans will rise to the extraordinary when the situation demands it.

This is a terrific book and a great series.

My reviews can be found at:
web site:

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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