Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Short Cut by J. Gregory Smith

I’ve enjoyed reading Smith’s books since he started writing.  I feel fortunate to have discovered him early as it has been a pleasure seeing him develop as a writer.   This book is the Reluctant Hustler Book 2.   Now I have to get book one as I really enjoyed this book.   Kyle is the reluctant hustler.   He finds himself then unwitting heir of Ryan’s favor business.  These aren’t party favors; these favors are both life threatening and life-saving. 

Smith has the ability to bring characters to life.   Kyle is now a real person.  I think I know VP.  This is just an indication of the skill Smith has used to make his fictional people gritty, flawed and real.   The story is believable as are the characters.

J. Gregory Smith writes a captivating and highly entertaining story. 

I heartily recommend the book.

BTW I did receive this book in exchange for an honest review.  An honest review is what I have given.  No favors, in spite of the book’s favor theme, were exchanged, no gifts received except the delight of reading a well crafted story. 

This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations.

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