Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monday, August 30, 2021
Autopsy by Patricia Cornwell
Scarpetta is back as the medical examiner for the state of Virginia. I must have missed a couple of books in between. Marino, Lucy, Benton are still in the picture but with different roles and many life changes. A serial killer and a spy are the focus of the investigation.
This did not seem as tightly wrapped as I remember the
Scarpetta books being. I felt that some
things were left open or assumed. There
was action and intrigue but I felt the characters could have been fleshed out a
bit. A good example is Lucy but it
appears that some serious stuff happened in recent books that has changed
things. I like Cornwell so I’m going to
have to go find the books I missed.
I recommend the book.
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
The Gaylord WACS by Harriet Green Robinson
This book follows Harriet Green as she joins the WACS and goes through WWII.
This book read like a personal note that Harriet Green might
have written to you the reader. She shows
the frustration of wanting to make a difference and being thwarted by her
gender. She ends up successfully going
overseas and feeling like she might have made a difference. Green shows the disparities between the way
men and women were treated by the armed services. The inclusion as a roommate of a WAC of
color as Green mustered out was pointed to a positive change.
Things like the reaction she and her peers had with the
death of Roosevelt were new to me. I was
unaware of that veneration. Green
demonstrated the resiliency and the ambition of women who were not willing to
settle with staying in their “place”.
I enjoyed the book.
Friday, August 20, 2021
The Accidental Suffragist by Galia Gichon
It’s not often I read a book that moves me. Sure I read lots of enjoyable and entertaining books but this book is moving. I taught history for a period of history. Don’t get me started on the Afghan debacle and why we didn’t learn a darn thing from history but I digress. Gichon brought to life the enormous difficulties faced by a “normal” member of society in supporting the Suffragist movement. Privileged women faced difficulties but a factory working woman, a hundred years ago, endured far more. Women today still face the pig-headed stubbornness of misogyny but our grandmothers faced worse.
In spite of being reasonably well read, I found my self shaking
my head at working conditions a century plus 20 ago. Gichon successfully portrayed those
conditions. In addition she showed that
all men of that time were not misogynists but it appears a sad majority were. Albert, although horribly flawed, was less so
than the bulk of his peers.
Kudos for Gichon for writing the book and doing it so
well. I’d like to take a time machine
back and determine how my male relatives behaved in that time period and kick some
butt if that behavior needed adjustment.
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Treachery Times Two by Robert McCaw
Koa Kane is back. Koa
is the Chief Detective in Hilo, Hawaii.
Koa has secrets of his own, let alone the ones he tries to pry from
miscreants. This time Koa is involved
in murder and espionage.
Koa’s girlfriend is Nalani, a park ranger. She provided stability to Koa’ inherently moody
personality. A volcanic eruption
triggers a murder mystery which then triggers an espionage investigation. Koa’s secret, threatens his well being and
even his career as a life long friend’s duplicity threatens him.
There is action, subterfuge, friendship, regret, guilt,
honor and trust all carefully blended into another excellent Koa Kane tale.
I highly recommend all of them.
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Decision: The Jake Littleton Series by Whit Gentry.
Too bad this is the final book in the Jake Littleton series,
I’ve enjoyed them. Once again the topic is kidnapping. This time there is an interesting twist with
the victim.
Jake, his two sidekicks, and Joan their very well-connected
pilot are tasked with the rescue of a somewhat fragile surgeon. The surgeon’s wife, however, makes up for his
fragility with surprising strength.
There is also a twist with the kidnappers.
Gentry keeps the plot moving forward with twists, turns, and whimsy. I particularly liked the kind-hearted and talented veterinarian.
I recommend the book.
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Cold Consequences by David Rohlfing
This is a Sasha Frank mystery. Detective Frank is the senior detective at the Bloomington Police Department, near Chicago. Ashley Cummins succumbed to the allure of street drugs when she was unable to get her pain killer prescriptions refilled. This led to her murder.
Sasha and his partner, Darcie, found themselves investigating
a murder that continued to escalate throughout the book. The plot was intricate and plausible. The death of a child, regardless of age, can
lead family down dark paths.
Rohlfing did a great job in keeping the action moving and
the end result hidden until the very end.
I enjoyed the book.
This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned