Friday, August 20, 2021

The Accidental Suffragist by Galia Gichon

It’s not often I read a book that moves me.  Sure I read lots of enjoyable and entertaining books but this book is moving.  I taught history for a period of history.   Don’t get me started on the Afghan debacle and why we didn’t learn a darn thing from history but I digress.  Gichon brought to life the enormous difficulties faced by a “normal” member of society in supporting the Suffragist movement.  Privileged women faced difficulties but a factory working woman, a hundred years ago, endured far more.   Women today still face the pig-headed stubbornness of misogyny but our grandmothers faced worse.

In spite of being reasonably well read, I found my self shaking my head at working conditions a century plus 20 ago.  Gichon successfully portrayed those conditions.  In addition she showed that all men of that time were not misogynists but it appears a sad majority were.  Albert, although horribly flawed, was less so than the bulk of his peers.  

Kudos for Gichon for writing the book and doing it so well.   I’d like to take a time machine back and determine how my male relatives behaved in that time period and kick some butt if that behavior needed adjustment. 

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