Thursday, January 5, 2023

Deadly Weapon by Mark Nolan

Jake Wolfe is back and once again in the midst of a wealth of action filled turmoil.
  Jake still suffers from episodes of PTSD as does his sidekick, and brains of the operation, Sgt. Cody, K9. The plot involves a secret group of wealthy nutjobs who plan on weaponizing the 1918 influenza virus and ridding the world of any opposition.

As all of Nolan’s books, you need to keep a firm grip on your knickers as he love hot action and available women.   In most cases the hot action involves an assortment of weapons but on some cases it involves pole dancing which certainly qualifies as hot.

I enjoy Nolan’s books and recommend them for terrific recreational reading.

 This book may have been received free of charge from a publisher or a publicist. That will NEVER have a bearing on my recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click on a purchasing link below.#CommissionsEarned

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